Lord I want to say something to you
From my very deepest heart
What? What is in there that I want to express?
I'm so thankful you've saved me
I'm so happy you've given me true life
I know I'm not living in it the way I could
But I get stuck in places and I need your help
I get worried, I get stressed
I get in a hurry, I get annoyed, frustrated, despairing
But you are the confidence
and hope of nations
You are my confidence and my hope
I want to do what I'm made to do
I want to feel what I'm made to feel
And I pray tonight that You would work out
Your life in me, make me of strong character
Make the fruits of the spirit ripen in me
And move me into my place
I want to be in a place where you can flow through me
Where I can truly be
poured out like an offering
But I'm so tired of trying to pour out what I don't have
I want to be me
The me You've made me to be
I want the gifts You've placed in me
to function well and be utilized
In the way You made me to work
What is it that you want to do with me?
I want to be not unwise, but wise,
knowing what the will of the Lord is
I long to just be, to just be me
Not to just be me but to really be me
I want to be all that I can be in You
I want to stretch out and expand
and fill up the space
I want to be just the right color,
the right sound, the right pattern
Lord, what do I do with all this longing?
This longing to be a totally free person
To be functional, alive, fully alive, fully awake,
a living, breathing, walking, talking person
and no longer a fake
I want Your life to pour through me
and out of me
and bless everything
and everyone around me.
From my very deepest heart
What? What is in there that I want to express?
I'm so thankful you've saved me
I'm so happy you've given me true life
I know I'm not living in it the way I could
But I get stuck in places and I need your help
I get worried, I get stressed
I get in a hurry, I get annoyed, frustrated, despairing
But you are the confidence
and hope of nations
You are my confidence and my hope
I want to do what I'm made to do
I want to feel what I'm made to feel
And I pray tonight that You would work out
Your life in me, make me of strong character
Make the fruits of the spirit ripen in me
And move me into my place
I want to be in a place where you can flow through me
Where I can truly be
poured out like an offering
But I'm so tired of trying to pour out what I don't have
I want to be me
The me You've made me to be
I want the gifts You've placed in me
to function well and be utilized
In the way You made me to work
What is it that you want to do with me?
I want to be not unwise, but wise,
knowing what the will of the Lord is
I long to just be, to just be me
Not to just be me but to really be me
I want to be all that I can be in You
I want to stretch out and expand
and fill up the space
I want to be just the right color,
the right sound, the right pattern
Lord, what do I do with all this longing?
This longing to be a totally free person
To be functional, alive, fully alive, fully awake,
a living, breathing, walking, talking person
and no longer a fake
I want Your life to pour through me
and out of me
and bless everything
and everyone around me.
That is a VERY beautiful psalm. You have a wonderful way of expressing your heart for God!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure we are very different from each other, and yet I slipped into this psalm like it was tailor made for me. It perfectly expresses my heart right now. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThen we may not be so different, Theresa!
ReplyDeleteYou have blessed my day! Thank you! I have been feeling those EXACT words, and as I'm here trying to find SOMEONE to help me with spoonflower I come across a like spirit.......THANK YOU for putting things in perspecitive for me. And IF you feel led, please e-mail me about uploading files on spoonflower. Have a great day! (dugan84x@charter.net)
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, just found your blog today via Spoonflower. God has given you a very sweet heart and wonderful gift of creating. I enjoyed looking over your blog, want to come back and read more too. What touched my heart was a comment midway down.........
ReplyDelete"Some times a mother feels stripped bare in providing for others but God provides everything we need inside."
It touched me not so much for myself but immediately made me think of my daughter-in-law. A pause to pray. I know the young mothers are all working so hard in these days. God Bless, And Jesus is Lord...Forever!
i need to have this print! It's awesome!