Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A tweaked design, and a tweaked-out color experiment.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Creating upon creating

The neat thing I am discovering about art is that the more I do, the more creativity I seem to have. It's not like physical energy that gets depleted by exertion. Rather my passion for creating seems to grow every time I create. It's like if I were to pick one flower and two more were to spring up in its place, and then two more under each of those.
This picture was done while listening to one of my very favorite songs.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Fabric

Here's another design with that bird...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Crispy Cajun Crickets

In my sophomore year of college, I had to give a "persuasive" speech, and I wanted to choose a topic that nobody else would pick. So I did "Why people should insects". In my research I came upon a recipe for "Crispy Cajun Crickets". I thought I had better try eating insects if I was going to talk other people into eating them, so I caught a bunch in the yard and made them and actually they weren't that bad. The spices kind of overwhelmed the cricket flavor, and after being roasted, they had a pretty nice crunch. Here's the recipe in case there's anyone out there who wants to try it, and some artwork inspired by the handout I made for that class.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Psalm 139:5

This fabric design was inspired by Psalm 139:5...
You have enclosed me behind and before and laid your hand upon me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To heck with fusible interfacing!

I've always been obedient to sewing patterns (mostly) but this time I said, "To heck with fusible interfacing!" After making this dress, now I see why it's so important. But I had to be a naughty sewing rebel just once, to see what it was like...
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If you click on the image it will open up and show different colors.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Since Rachel's blog introduced me to Spoonflower, I am totally addicted to designing fabrics. I want to do a new one every day. Maybe I will. I'll keep adding them as inspiration comes.

The tiling can be pretty tricky when the images are complex...but it's a fun challenge.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Art Night

Every Sunday night my husband has graciously agreed to watch our little ones and let me have an uninterrupted (sort of) art night. Sometimes I sew, sometimes I paint, sometimes I write songs, and sometimes I just goof off. Here's something I made with no other purpose than that.